In a series circuit with capacitor and resistor the voltages are measured as follows: VR = 5.21 V and VXC = 3.22 V. The resistance is R = 220 Ω and the frequency f = 250 Hz.
Find the correct answers.
What is the reactance?
200 Ohm is ...
Reactive power causes energy loss ...
The power consumption is affected by...
In a series circuit with inductor and resistor the following values are known: L = 550 mH, f = 50 Hz, V = 230 V and R = 470 Ω.
In the circuit is R = 2 kΩ, XL = 3 kΩ, XC = 4 kΩ, the current I = 2 mA and the frequency f = 50 Hz.
In the circuit is R = 250 Ω, L = 191 mH, the voltage V = 10 V and the frequency f = 500 Hz.
In a RLC-circuit a capacitor is charged and then the circuit closed. The resonance frequency is 1 Hz and the inductance 3.37 H. The maximum voltage is 1.48 V.